Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Bloop

Sorry if this is old news, I just find it so intriguing.

In the summer of 1997, off the coast of Southwest South America, a sound was picked up several times by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The profile of this sound matches that of an animal, for example a whale. But the big difference is, given the amplitude of the sound, there is no way a whale could have made the sound, because whales are too small. So, if it was indeed an animal that made this sound, it would have to be many times larger than even a blue whale.

I think that's really exciting and I wish there was more news on it in the past 12 years. But what could the sound have come from?? I would like to offer some suggestions:

For more information, please consult your local Wikipedia:

On a semi-related note, I have decided that one of my lifelong dreams will be to one day swim with a whale. This is a bigger dream than it sounds, since currently I have nowhere near enough courage to do this. But one day I hope to be able to swim with a whale. Probably humpback. Though this is left to be determined.